The Studio

Welcome in The Studio! Do you want to know more about the story of Oh Bear Studio and who's behind it? Then read on and join the adventure. My name is Kirsten and I'm the owner and creator of everything on this website. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to shoot me a message! ☺️

first steps

Oh Bear Studio took its first steps in 2016. I couldn't find a suitable gift for the supervisors of my internship, so I decided to create something myself. I chose to draw animals on little notebooks. One of my friends liked it so much, she wanted one too. That's how Oh Bear Studio came to life.

In the mean time, I've illustrated many animals on notebooks, canvas, paper, and even wood. A new unique personality comes to life every time!

At the end of 2020 I made the decision to focus on Oh Bear Studio full time, and make even more people happy with an illustration of their favourite animal! Whether it's a pet, or an animal in the wild... In case you can't find yours in the shop, but you would love to see him/her framed on your wall? Feel free to contact me or go to 'Commissioned Art‘.

My style of drawing is always developing, but the love for nature and animals will forever be the focus. Not just as the subjects of my art, but also in the way I use my materials. Read more about this at 'Sustainability‘!


Love for nature, especially animals, showed up early in my life. My favourite plushie was 'Beertje' (=little bear); we were inseparable for years (see picture, in my 'animal lovers' sweater!). My walls were decorated with cute bear illustrations, and as soon as I could read the people around me heard a lot of random animal facts.

And of course, drawing and crafting were things I loved doing as a little kid as well. When I got older it kind of faded away for a while (except for doodling during class), but my interest started growing again around 2015/2016.

I love working with coloured pencils, painting with watercolours and acrylic paint, and illustrating digital art (like my logo!). It will forever be fun to experiment with new materials and techniques, and also developing my own style further!


Get to know me!

My favourite animal?
Panda, dwarf rabbits, grizzly bear, lion, red panda, and and and...

My age?
I was born in 1996, the year of the rat. Unfortunately, I can't cook as well as Remi from Ratatouille...

Other interests?
There are so many things that I'm interested in, including: photography, videography, psychology, sustainability, music, sudoku's, memes, my faith, (walking on) mountains, daydreaming, and many more.

Team member
Commissioned pieces
Favourite animals

Ephesians 3:20-21
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.